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Castle Coloring Pages


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Total online coloring: 9

I’ve got 34 Castle Coloring Pages waiting just for you! Get those crayons, markers, and colored pencils ready – we’re about to build a kingdom of color!

What You’ll Find

  • Mighty fortresses with tall towers and strong walls.
  • Friendly princesses waving from balconies.
  • Brave knights ready to defend the castle.
  • Hidden surprises… Can you find the secret treasure chests or a tiny dragon peeking out?

From Andrea’s Desk

You know, I used to dream of living in a castle when I was little. I’d imagine all the secret rooms and passages… maybe even a friendly ghost! Now, I get to create those castles just for YOU. Each one is more fun than the last!

Coloring Tips from a Pro

  • Color outside the lines! No one says castles have to be gray and boring.
  • Add your own details. Draw a moat with fish, a flag on the tallest tower, or maybe even a rainbow!
  • Create a story! Who lives in your castle? What adventures do they have?

Did You Know?

  • Castles weren’t just for homes – they were super important for battles!
  • Some castles were so big they fit an entire town inside their walls!
  • Princesses didn’t always wait around to be rescued… some of them were awesome warriors!

Ready to Begin?

Head on over to to find the perfect castle adventure. You can print them out, download a PDF to color later, or even color them online!

Share Your Masterpiece!

Don’t forget – I love seeing your creations! Have your grown-up help you share your amazing castle artwork – maybe we’ll feature it on our website!


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